We are happy to report that our St Elizabeth’s foundling has found a “furrever” home. She has been renamed Bitty and recently send us a note. To read more about Bitty when she was Trina click here
Hi all! It is me Bitty, (formerly known as Trina). My new mom has been making sure that I am settled and even let’s me out on the porch with her sometimes. I like to watch the two cardinals and the occasional mouse that comes to visit us. Mom says I cannot eat them but we will see. I love to play with my laser toy and watch real housewives. I like morning cuddles but mom has a bed for me too that when it is night night it placed next to the bed so I can keep an eye on her. Sometimes I jump up on the bed and watch her sleep or wake her up at 4 am to play. I love my canned food and treats and I get ice cubes in my water bowl. My mom has this thing called a vacuum which I told how come and what for so that it knows I am the princess of the apartment. Hope all is well!
Love Bitty
