We want to welcome Dr Kristina Bazemore to NOVA Cat Clinic.
Dr. Bazemore is a native of Washington, DC. She attended the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Bazemore started out as a veterinary technician assistant in both a small animal and feline only practice before becoming a veterinarian. She has worked in feline only practices since graduating vet school in 2005. Dr. Bazemore’s areas of passion include senior/geriatric care, nutrition, preventive care, behavior issues and dental care.
Dr. Bazemore grew up having all types of animals as pets and loved them all. She knew in junior high school that she wanted to turn her interests in and love for animals into a career. It wasn’t until veterinary school while working a summer job at a feline only practice that Dr. Bazemore discovered she only wanted to practice feline medicine.
Dr. Bazemore was adopted by one loveable, sassy cat named TarJay at her previous practice. She also has a tank of misfit fish consisting of one arowana and four blood parrot fish. When Dr. Bazemore is not working, she enjoys singing, bicycle riding, roller skating and spending time with family and friends.
Dr. Bazemore is very excited to join the Nova Cat Clinic family and eager to meet our clients and patients.