It has been a little while since we performed a survey. From that survey, we were able to make changes you requested.
From the survey, we have added an extra doctor on Saturday increasing our availability. We have added more evening appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We have started offering limited house calls in Arlington and Alexandria. We are considering expanding into DC and Falls Church. This service is only offered to current clients.
We would be most pleased if you would take the time to fill out our survey. In thanks for your time, you will be entered in a drawing to win $50 in products and/or services. Surveys will need to be submitted prior to Jan 31, 2017 to be eligible for the prize. The responses and winner will be posted in February. Please make sure and scroll to the end – there are 8 questions.
Thank you for your consideration. .smcx-embed>.smcx-iframe-container,<br />.smcx-embed,<br />.smcx-iframe-container iframe {<br />height: 1000px !important;<br />}<br />
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