Fluffy is due for vaccines, you call us to set up an appointment, and find out Fluffy has to be examined before getting vaccines. You’re almost out of medication for your kitty, you’d like to get a refill right away, you call us, and you are told you can’t have a refill until you bring Fluffy in for an exam. What gives?
There are both legal and ethical ramifications to prescribing medications or recommending treatments for patients that a veterinarian has never seen or not seen for some time. Virginia’s State Veterinary Practice Act requires that a Veterinary Client Patient Relationship (or VCPR for short) be established before diagnosing illnesses or dispensing medication. This relationship cannot be established online, over email, or over the phone. If a veterinarian violates this act, they could potentially lose their license.
It’s very important for your veterinarian to know Fluffy well enough to be able to diagnose any medical conditions properly. Your veterinarian is responsible for Fluffy’s health, a responsibility not taken lightly. This is only possible with a thorough physical examination and discussion with you, Fluffy’s devoted parent! Your veterinarian also maintains detailed records of Fluffy’s health and can provide you with the pros and cons of different vaccines, medications, or treatment options.
We look at each patient as a complete individual and tailor everything to fit their specific needs. What do you need to do to hold up your end of the VCPR? Allow your veterinarian to take responsibility for Fluffy’s medical management, ask questions so you understand everything, and follow through with the agreed upon recommendations.
This relationship is vital to ensure that Fluffy is receiving the best care possible.
If you’ve ever seen ‘House’ you can understand that diagnosing and caring for a patient can be very complex. Veterinarians go through years of college and veterinary training in preparation. They know how Fluffy’s body works, how medications work and interact, and how to handle potential emergency situations. A hands-on physical exam by a veterinarian is invaluable to Fluffy’s health and can’t be replaced with phone calls or online conversations.
Fluffy can be very good at hiding medical condition and if they are on medications, side effects have the potential to cause serious problem.
So if your veterinarian tells you that Fluffy needs an exam before refilling a medication, you’ll understand that it’s only to uphold the best principles of veterinary care possible.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!