We happy to announce that Dr Shannon Heath will be joining NOVA Cat Clinic. With the addition of Dr Heath, we will be offering later evening hours and more Saturday appointments.
Dr Heath graduated from Colorado StateUniversity in 1993. She returned to her hometown of Cheyenne, Wyoming to practice in a large animal practice for a few years. She was also in large animal practice and a USDA meat inspector in Idaho. Dr. Heath has been in the Northwest, just outside Seattle, for the past 12 years. Her interests have evolved over the years into companion animal medicine and dentistry. She has a special fondness for cats.
Dr. Heath was a nine year 4-H Horse Club member. She enjoys supporting the young people of the community. She volunteers her time to speak at 4-H meetings, Girls in Science Projects, etc. She even helps with hair and makeup design for stage productions.
She loves to walk, kayak and volunteer with community theater productions in which her daughter is acting.