If at first you don’t succeed. Try, try again. We hope to have our surgical and dental services moved to 3838 Cathedral Lane October 26, 2017. The rest of the team should be in our new location October 30, 2017
Happy October everyone! Does your kitty cat companion have the one costume that rules them all? Show them off! We’re thrilled to host a photo contest and gift giveaway with a Halloween theme. To enter the photo contest submit a photo of your cat(s) in their Halloween costume between October 4th and October 18th then return with all your cat’s fans and followers to vote for them from October 19th through the 31st. The winner of the photo contest will be decided by popular vote on the evening on the 31st, and announced November 1st. Our cutest/spookiest winner will have their photo framed and put up in the lobby of our clinic for all to love and admire.