We discussed acute pain in our first blog. In that blog we discussed how to tell if you cat is pain after a procedure. To read more click here
When your cat is in pain, you can call us to intervene. The Glasgow Feline Composite Measure Pain Scale is very helpful for acute pain
What about chronic pain? This type of pain can be challenging to determine. Cats are very stoic and hardwired to always look their best.
North Carolina State University has a work sheet that is better for chronic pain. The North Carolina Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index has a series of questions to help determine if your cat is in chronic pain and how much .
A very important part of this is the worksheet can be used to objectively evaluate if treatment protocols are helping.
Treatments can vary from supplements, medications, acupuncture, laser therapy, and food.
You should ask your veterinarian about discussing diagnosis and treatments