Our job as a veterinarian is to protect the health and well being of your cat. Another aspect of our job is to protect your health and well being. Fortunately, cats and humans do not share many diseases.
Parasites are one exception. They do not discriminate on which host they chose.
One of the easiest and most useful things we can do to help protect you and your family is to deworm your cat. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) recommend deworming four times per year. At NOVA Cat Clinic, we would like to have every cat dewormed at least once yearly. We want to protect your cat, you, and your family.
How bad can it be if I get worms? Parasites have very unusual life stages. When they are in the wrong host, they can end up in your eyes and cause vision problems. Who knew? Fortunately prevention is easy.
In order to accomplish this, we will be offering an annual deworming for $5. It is only a drop between the shoulder blades. The great thing is that the product, Revolution protects against heartworms, fleas, and mites.
If you would like to learn more about parasites, click here.
Please feel free to call 703 515-1955 or email us with any questions.