As with everything in medicine and science, new data becomes available and recommendations evolve. The need for heartworm and parasite prevention has become even more apparent.
Even “indoor-only” cats need to be protected
With permission Dr Cathy Lund – City Kitty Providence, RI
All cats need to be on preventive. Heartworm disease is very challenging to diagnose pre-mortem in cats. Furthermore there is no effective treatment for cats.
Mosquitoes are everywhere and can become active in weather as cold as 40F (4.5C).
A new development is that it has been recognized that cats DO get Lyme Disease. Ticks are especially hard to repeal and kill for cats. Many of the anti-tick products are toxic to cats.
Fortunately as early as April, there will be Revolution Plus. This product is the same as Revolution but it now has a Sarolaner. This is in the isoxazoline class of drugs which kills ticks. To learn more about Revolution Plus click here
This class of drug can be an issue for cats that have seizures. It is not recommended for them.
With Permission Dr Cathy Lund – City Kitty Providence, RI
Prevention for your cat is easy. Not only does this protect your cat, it protects your family. My “indoor-only” cat is on Revolution. I could not imagine not having him protected.