Costumed Cat Contest Winner 2018 and Client Survey
Who doesn’t love a cat in a costume? There were some great entries this year and the voting was close
Costume winners
Our winner is Tempura

She is dress as Sailor Mewn She wins $100 in services or products. Her mother gets to decide how she will spend her winnings. Her picture will be placed in our lobby in a place of honor.
Second place is Teddy, the Late Bloomer.

Third place is Mr Piggy

We love to hear from you. For your time, there will be a random drawing for $25 in services or products. From your responses, we now have expanded the availability of Saturday hours. We have three 2-doctor Saturdays up from 1 in the past. We have an 8:30 AM appointment. Our latest appointment is now at 6:30 PM on Tuesday and Thursday.
Would you like more contest? An open house? Happy hour? Different hours? Please click here and let us know your opinion.