There are may reasons that cats can have blood in their urine. One reason and the one that we have seen an increase are bladder stones.
When we have cats presented for bloody urine, we try to get a urine specimen. This can sometime show us if there are crystals or bacteria. We look for red blood cells and white blood cells.
To diagnosis bladder stones, an x-ray is needed. Most stones will show up on x-ray. Some stones do not show up on x-ray and an ultrasound is needed.

We do not always start with an x-ray or ultrasound. If the blood is persistent or your cat is not responding to treatment, an x-ray is a very important diagnostic tool.
Some stones can be dissolved with diet. Others need surgical intervention. If the stone(s) is small, we can sometime hydropulse it (them). Hydropulsing requires sedation, but there is no surgery.
Once the stones are removed, an appropriate diet is selected to prevent new ones from forming. Increasing water intake is very helpful. Water fountains and canned food can help increase water intake.
If you notice blood in your cat’s urine, contact your veterinarian to help resolve the issue.