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Kitten Season
Kitten season is in full swing here in Arlington, Virginia! As of May, The Arlington Welfare League’s Kitten Academy has reported over 250 kittens in their foster system already. That’s a LOT of kittens, and many come in quite ill. The Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation itself has received over a dozen complicated kitten cases from DMV that needed advanced medical care, and we could not do this without the generous support by our cat loving community.
Every dollar helps
Your monetary donations help with:
Diagnostics for our critical kittens
Advanced hospital care
Blood transfusions
And much more!!
With your help, we are able to lower the mortality rate significantly with the medical care these kittens deserve and have them adopted them out to the FUR-ever homes.
You can make a tax deductible donation online click here :
Prefer sending a check? No problem!
3838Cathedral Lane
Arlington, VA 22203

Nice Swag to help the foundation
There is new shop that supports the foundation! We have several cute designs of a few of our previous kittens we cared for in the past. We have T-shirts, tote bags, and stickers that have become quite popular, and a portion of the proceeds from the company goes right back to our kittens! Click here
Non-monetary donations
What if you want to help support the CGMFF but don’t want to give a monetary donation or sport some swag? We can always use supplies! Not only do WE benefit from supplies, but we are able to distribute supplies to foster families that are in need of the basics to help get these kittens healthy and adoptable.
We always need:
Unscented baby wipes
Kitten Milk Replacer
Microfiber swaddling baby blankets
Microfiber plush toys for the babies to cuddle against
Snuggle Safe Discs
Miracle Nipple(both sizes) sets for our tiniest kittens and PET AG Bottle Sets for Kittens

Calling all blood donors!! – Super Hero Cats Wanted!
A few super hero cats are needed to donate a small amount of blood (3-4 tablespoons) twice per year to help save our kittens. We have a mini blood bank for plasma for our critical babies who benefit greatly from blood products to help boost their immune system, coagulation factors, along with replacing lost proteins and electrolytes. We even can have your cat in our system for whole blood mini transfusions too!
Criteria is as follows
Healthy weight
Felv/FIV negative
Not on any current medication or have a compromising disease process
What your super hero cat gets in return from our foundation
Complimentary exam with Rabies and FVRCP
Blood typing
Super Hero-Cat VIP status
Lots of TLC and all the free cookies they can eat!
We cannot thank you enough for your continued support! Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Page to see who you are cheering on this year!
Ellen Carozza LVT
President CGMFF