Yikes! Close that browser!
Never diagnose your pet over the internet from symptoms he may be exhibiting. If everyone did this, there would be no need for any sort of medical staff, human or veterinary!
While doing research on specific diseases may be beneficial for you to understand, (ask us for reputable sites- we are more than happy to direct you to websites on specific disease that we know contain correct information) there are many website out there that are incorrect. Especially if they have not been written or backed by a veterinary group such as the AAFP, AAHA, VMG, or the AVMA.
Just like looking up your symptoms for your illness on WebMD is not in your best interest, neither is looking up what might be wrong with your cat. Throughout the years, we have seen many cats become ill due to false information that is found on the web. If you have any concerns about your kitty’s health, please contact us at NOVA Cat Clinic. It is our goal is to make sure your cat is healthy, not Dr. Google.