A sad weekend for me and the NOVA Cat family.
After 17 years I had to put my Siamese girl to sleep. She taught me so many things throughout the years.
She was abandoned at the clinic because she had ringworm. I feel in love with her instantly and she lived with me ever since then. After she gave my other 5 cats ringworm, I learned how to take care of that fungus.
She taught me to always microchip my cats. She got outside and jumped the fence. After 3 sleepless nights, I got her back by pasting signs around the neighborhood. After that experience, I placed microchips in all the cats .
At the end, she was having issues with her gastrointestinal tract – vomiting daily and terrible diarrhea. Her ultrasound showed thick intestines so we placed her on steroids. This gave her great quality time although she was very challenging to medicate.
At the end, she stopped eating and was hanging her head over the water bowl. As hard as it is to say good bye, it was the right thing to do to end her suffering.
We will all miss you Bootie.
